[About] ProductName=Captivating Cats Calendar E_MailAdress=CEDCO E-Mail address: cdrom@cedco.com TextBy=All images (c)1996 Richard Stacks/SF PhotoCount=0 [Titles] Title1=Captivating Cats #1 Title2=Captivating Cats #2 Title3=Captivating Cats #3 Title4=Captivating Cats #4 Title5=Captivating Cats #5 Title6=Captivating Cats #6 Title7=Captivating Cats #7 Title8=Captivating Cats #8 Title9=Captivating Cats #9 Title10=Captivating Cats #10 Title11=Captivating Cats #11 Title12=Captivating Cats #12 Title13=Captivating Cats #13 Title14=Captivating Cats #14 Title15=Captivating Cats #15 Title16=Captivating Cats #16 Title17=Captivating Cats #17 Title18=Captivating Cats #18 Title19=Captivating Cats #19 Title20=Captivating Cats #20 Title21=Captivating Cats #21 Title22=Captivating Cats #22 Title23=Captivating Cats #23 Title24=Captivating Cats #24 Title25=Captivating Cats #25 Title26=Captivating Cats #26 Title27=Captivating Cats #27 Title28=Captivating Cats #28 Title29=Captivating Cats #29 Title30=Captivating Cats #30 Title31=Captivating Cats #31 Title32=Captivating Cats #32 Title33=Captivating Cats #33 Title34=Captivating Cats #34 Title35=Captivating Cats #35 Title36=Captivating Cats #36 Title37=Captivating Cats #37 Title38=Captivating Cats #38 Title39=Captivating Cats #39 Title40=Captivating Cats #40 Title41=Captivating Cats #41 Title42=Captivating Cats #42 Title43=Captivating Cats #43 Title44=Captivating Cats #44 Title45=Captivating Cats #45 Title46=Captivating Cats #46 Title47=Captivating Cats #47 Title48=Captivating Cats #48 Title49=Captivating Cats #49 Title50=Captivating Cats #50 Title51=Captivating Cats #51 Title52=Captivating Cats #52 Title53=Captivating Cats #53 [Descriptions] No:1 \BNature never did betray the heart that loved her. \b---Wordsworth No:2 \BMake happy those who are near, and those who are far away will come. \b---Chinese Proverb No:3 \BThe good is the beautiful. \b---Plato No:4 \BCan such things be, And overcome us like a summer's cloud Without our special wonder? \b---Shakespeare No:5 \BWhat god would dare judge you? \b---Baudelaire No:6 \BLife is never what it seems; it is always so much more. \b---Famous Amos No:7 \BCats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want. \b---Joseph Wood Krutch No:8 \BYou can observe a lot by just watching. \b---Yogi Berra No:9 \BBe yourself. Who else is better qualified? \b---Frank J. Giblin II No:10 \BThere is a garden in her face, Where roses and white lilies blow. \b---Thomas Campion No:11 \BCharacter is destiny. \b---Heraclitus No:12 \BAll that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. \b---Edgar Allen Poe No:13 \BGreatness is a road leading towards the unknown. \b---Charles de Gaulle No:14 \BYou have now learned to see That cats are much like you and me And other people whom we find Possessed of various types of mind. \b---T. S. Eliot No:15 \BThere are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. \b---Albert Schweitzer No:16 \BDo what you can, with what you have, where you are. \b---Theodore Roosevelt No:17 \BHome is not where you live but where they understand you. \b---Christian Morgenstern No:18 \BA friend is one before whom I may think aloud. \b---Ralph Waldo Emerson No:19 \BOut of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge. \b---Winston Churchill No:20 \BAnd all the loveliest things there be Come simply, so it seems to me. \b---Edna St. Vincent Millay No:21 \BThe best way out is through. \b---Robert Frost No:22 \BA sight to dream of, not to tell. \b---Samuel Taylor Coleridge No:23 \BWhere thou art, that, is Home. \b---Emily Dickinson No:24 \BFriendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim. \b---Henry Adams No:25 \BYou cannot be friends upon any other terms than upon the terms of equality. \b---Woodrow Wilson No:26 \BChance makes our parents, but choice makes our friends. \b---Jacques Delille No:27 \BHopes are but the dreams of those who are awake. \b---Pindar No:28 \BA thing of beauty is a joy forever. \b---John Keats \BNo:29 A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience. \b---Oliver Wendell Holmes No:30 \BThe web of our life is of a mingled yarn, Good and ill together. \b---Shakespeare No:31 \BThose who lose dreaming are lost. \b---Australian Aboriginal Proverb No:32 \BThe silence often of pure innocence Persuades when speaking fails. \b---Shakespeare No:33 \BDemocracy is based on the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people. \b---Harry Emerson Fosdick No:34 \BDo not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly. \b---St. Francis de Sales No:35 \BSome folks can look so busy doing nothin' that they seem indispensable. \b---Kin Hubbard No:36 \BLove consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other. \b---Rainier Maria Rilke No:37 \BGive me, kind Heaven, a private station, A mind for serene contemplation. \b---John Gay No:38 \BThat which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. \b---Shakespeare, ÒRomeo and JulietÓ No:39 \BWe carry within us the wonders we seek without us. \b---Sir Thomas Browne No:40 \BThe eyes are the window of the soul. \b---Old saying No:41 \BThe happiest of all lives is a busy solitude. \b---Voltaire No:42 \BAspects are within us, and who seems most kingly is king. \b---Thomas Hardy No:43 \BOne must care about a world one will not see. \b---Bertrand Russell No:44 \BA friend is a present you give yourself. \b---Anonymous No:45 \BWe are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. \b---Arthur William O'Shaughnessy No:46 \BI have come back again to where I belong; not an enchanted place, but the walls are strong. \b---Dorothy H. Rath No:47 \BI am part of all that I have met. \b---Alfred, Lord Tennyson No:48 \BTeach us to give and not to count the cost. \b---Ignatius Loyola No:49 \BThe supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. \b---Victor Hugo No:50 \BIt takes two to speak the truth---one to speak, and another to hear. \b---Henry David Thoreau No:51 \BSimple pleasures are the last refuge of the complex. \b---Oscar Wilde No:52 \BNothing is too small to know, and nothing too big to attempt. \b---William Van Horne No:53 \BYou are as welcome as the flowers in May. \b---Charles Macklin